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i beat this game first try, because im just like that frfr. this is a really well made demo. i really enjoyed it. can't wait to play the full game!

bro is the chosen one 💀


I have some problems while playing the game. I can play it almost normally but without the sound. Or I can play with sound and then the game just freezes and I can't continue. By the way, the sound just randomly starts when I start the game, sometimes the sound is there but often not. What should I do?


will investigate.

If i could get a video clip of how exactly this looks, it would help a lot.

iirc, I setup a custom system for managing SFX in memory to make it browser friendly.

If the game takes too long to load a sound or fails to load a sound, it should just continue execution but the sfx doesn't play.

(2 edits) (+1)

I want to share an incredible round.
The end of the game I have 5 unopened cards at THE HOST 3. He has a crowbar item. 

- His move. Turns over the card with the object and gets gasoline. 5:2

- My move. I calmly realize I still have plenty of options and I win. I turn the card over and I get a can of gasoline. 4:2

- His move. Steals the canister from me and sets fire to my item card and gets a fire extinguisher. 3:2

- My move. Turns over my card and gets a spyglass. 2:2

- His turn. Lights my card on fire with an ordinary card. 1:2

- My move. I'm just shocked and there's nothing left to do but look at my last card with a spyglass and flip it over. 0:2

- His move. Extinguishes his card and turns it over quietly. 0:2

- My move: I lose.

I WAS FREAKING OUT AT THAT MOMENT. I wish I had a video of it.

Sigma [THE HOST]  \_0_0_/


rip 💀




What kind of random is this?

i suppose when rng is left unchecked lmao.

Tho the fact that you whittled him down to 4 cards despite having a lot of redraws is incredible.

Oh, yeah. I'm skilled. At least in this game. .-.


Too much random I think.


he kinda fine...


... yeah...




won it on the very first try lol (pls ignore it I just wanna flex)

(1 edit) (+4)

Congratulations, very interesting game. You should definitely make a full version of this

am definitely gonna try


I will watch your career with great interest


I definitely enjoyed it but sometimes the host got several turns even when not getting one of those cards nor using an item?

iirc, he shouldn't be able to flip another card unless it's a redraw.

though the fact that the crowbar can be used immediately does make it seem a little confusing.


Can't see MY items in the far right cell. It's a little inconvenient.

Yeah i'm somewhat suprised that I got this far without seeing anyone mention that.

Not game breaking, but def kinda annoying.

I would reposition the item models if it didn't also affect their positioning in their animations. (very poor decision on my part.)

Perhaps I ought to add some sort of "occupied" indication on the lockers...




Pretty cool, I like vibe It seems like iconic horror, and There is logical reason for main character has to win It doesn't feels like a just russian roulette for fun It let us to empathize the hostage.


Saw this game played by ManlyBadassHero on Youtube; immediately intrigued, and gave a spin myself.

Wanted to add my two cents in terms of game design. I’d like to see this as a competitive version of memory; as in the events don’t change when a card is flipped, and the player is reliant on their own knowledge of the board to gain the upper hand. Events on cards could even include moving the locations of cards making them harder to remember.

Here’s a few ideas:

SWAP CARD (Exchange this card with another unburnt card, both face down, anywhere on the board.)
Ideally the player would use this card to snag the opponents utility cards, hopefully not grabbing an extra turn card instead.

SEED CARD (Exchange one burning card and this card, along with two unburnt cards from the opponent’s side, shuffle and deal face-down.)
Reference to “cloud seeding”, this is a delaying tactic that can be used to turn the state of the game quickly. Ideally the player would use this card to move an extra turn card onto the opponent’s board, possibly receiving a non-extra turn card in return. A highly sought after card.

ROW CARD (Shift this card’s row twice to left or right, shuffle and deal face-down remaining unburnt AND burning cards with this card into the empty spaces at the edge.)
Board shuffling card, meant to confuse the opponent; can also be used to shift burning cards away from the player’s station.

PUSH CARD (Shift this card’s column once towards the boarder separating player and opponent, shuffle and deal face-down remaining unburnt AND burning cards with this card into the empty spaces at the edge.)
Another board shuffling card, meant to confuse the opponent; can also be used to push burning cards away from the player’s station.

Have some experimental cards while I’m at this:

ZOMBIE CARD (Opponent instead exchanges this card with one of the Opponent’s burning cards turned face down)
Reference to “zombie fires”, similar to the seed card except this card isn’t one the player ideally draws for themselves, much like an old maid.

CHANCE CARD (Choose another unburnt card anywhere on the board, if that unburnt card doesn't have an event, turn both cards face-down and swap positions, otherwise play the drawn event as if this card were an extra turn card.)
A good card to have early game, not so much in the late game though; ideally the opponent would have these cards on their side in the late game.

Otherwise, glad to see someone's inspired game jam take on so much potential.


Thanks for the feedback!

Brain is too burnt right now from running around all day. (had to fix a major bug which broke the game on systems that formatted decimals differently.)

But I'll add this to the stockpile of potential improvement ideas to process later once I get a decent amount of sleep. (I'll be sure to keep ur name attached to it)

Really appreciate it!


Ah yes, the difference between Windows and Unix. shucks.

You're welcome, good luck and don't burn yourselves out.


On second thought, my suggestions would completely destroy the forward momentum of the game if those events became the remaining cards available...
Maybe if the PUSH and ROW Cards instead affected the opponent's side and made unburnt cards into burning cards instead.


I love the atmosphere of this game and the gameplay but I feel like the game is in the host favor all of the time.

You said how many redraw card again? 12?
9 of them is on my side...

The host have more chance to use the utility? why?
Here's what I experience:

I got a crowbar while the host have nothing.

I got a Fire extinguisher and planned to use it as fast as I can which mean the start of next turn.

Host get a crowbar then IMMEDIATELY use it after his turn... and stole my everything (He stole my crowbar first then my fire extinguisher).

Another thing is he keep getting good item (Crowbar, Gasoline, and Fire extinguisher) while I get only a spyglass and an axe. One time I got 3 spyglass in a row.

Yeah admittedly, it's a bit of a flaw in the game's design.
When the cards are randomly distributed about the field,
a lot of redraws can outright land on your side.
real uphill battle from there.

On top of that,
The Host's AI does count cards and tracks how many of each card are on the field,
then calculates the probability of a favorable outcome.

While the AI is programmed to not fall too far behind the player,
i think it's very possible in this case that it was just really rotten luck.

Sorry about that.


I love this ideaa this game is so fun
I would definitely download this on my phone if it ever becomes an option lol

(1 edit)

i think it could be playable on ur phone.

I managed to get it running on mine. (2017 Samsung Galaxy S8)

tho ur milage may vary.


Really love the idea and the atmosphere, but whenever I or the Host picked gasoline, the game bugged out and wouldn't let me return to the table for whatever reason :(


Very sorry about that.

Prevalent bug from what I've been hearing.

If you can get the bug to trigger again,
could you open up the Javascript console (Ctrl+Shift+J on Chrome) and tell me if there are any errors mentioning "TryGetMetaData"?

thank you.


cheers, hope it's fixed soon :)

(1 edit) (+1)

just updated the game.
does it still happen now?
(Would you also happen to be from outside the US where decimals are formatted differently?)


works now, thank you!!

and yes, I am from EU (Slovakia)

(1 edit)

good deal. 👍
and thank you for your help. 🙇‍♂️


Thank you for updating, I won my first game that I could finish :) And yes, I am also from the EU (Denmark)



(5 edits) (+1)

 the game stops when the host tries to use the gas can on the steam version(just found out on browser too) items dont really work please fix it its one of the best games i played in 2024 its better than buckshot roulette so please fix it quick also is there a discord server? if not please make one

Very sorry about that.

Prevalent bug from what I've been hearing.

If you can get the bug to trigger again, could you open up the Javascript console (Ctrl+Shift+J on Chrome) and tell me if there are any errors mentioning "TryGetMetaData"?

thank you.

(1 edit) (+1)

yep there was i hope this helps


thank you very much.
just updated the game.
lmk if the issue still persists.


everything is fine in the browser and on steam too thank you for the quick fix now i can enjoy the game


np have fun!


Can’t use fire extinguisher and axe on any cards during the game. Clicking is registered with a characteristic sound, but no effect occurs. All items (except for the spyglass) end up being stored in containers forever.

(1 edit) (+1)

Aaaaand the game got stuck when the dealer see the left card at my tower and took gasoline from the box. The model of the canister disappeared and that’s it: the animation doesn’t play further, the camera froze on showing an empty cell.

Very sorry that this is still happening. 

Am currently working on resolving this issue with some other players that have encountered this issue as well.

I think I'm very close to tracking down the cause.

But this clip is extremely helpful and likely further confirms my suspitions.

If you wouldn't mind, could you trigger the bug again,

hit "Ctrl + Shift + J" (or however you open the Javascript console in your browser.)

and tell me if there are any errors mentioning "TryGetMetaData"?

(Ignore errors mentioning "Not allowed to access vertices" that's just my spaghetti bleh.)


If you have updated your build in the last few hours, I hasten to inform you that right now I do not have these bugs: items are used as they should be and the camera does not get stuck after the opponent uses the canister.

awesome thx man!


For this being a demo, it's honestly amazing, and I had a great time. everything from the animation to the play style was interesting! I will say I misread the replay cards as a good thing at first, but overall had so much fun, excited for a full release!

thanks for playing!


Good job on completely misunderstanding what made Buckshot great. But what can one expect from a Pirate Software fan.


The game certainly has a lot of room for improvement.

Tho I doubt it'll ever be as great as Buckshot.

But this is the best thing I've made so far and I've every intention of getting better.

Also sorry to hear that you don't like fans of Pirate Software. (presumably)

The community is very welcoming and supportive.


do fear to subscribe 

(1 edit) (+2)

I think it's a nice game, but I can't use the utilities, I click everywhere and it just doesnt work, maybe I don't understand something... The game just freeze when he picks the gasoline 

Very sorry about this.

Many people have been encountering this bug that I cannot replicate.

Tho I think I'm close to figuring it out.

If you plan to play again, could you open up the javascript console (Ctrl+Shift+J on Chrome) and tell me if there are any errors mentioning "TryGetMetaData"?

nvm i think the issue has been fixed.


I read through some of the comments, and it seems that I am basically the only one who didn't understand how to play the game, all I did was click on the cards trying to understand. And I still don't know if i won or not? the host just faded away at the end of the round.



😁 eyy a win is a win!


The way the Host throws the fire extinguisher and the axe really made me say "did you have to throw it that hard bruh 😭"(the animation is just greaaat). The game has simple gameplay but I had a fun experience! :) Really cannot wait for the full version, Id love to see more different card types and more utilities in the future. Keep it up, your game will be popular🗣️🔥!1!!1




Won the 2 Round was so close to losing 


Really fun game

I'm glad you think so!


he keeps stealing my crobars then using them to grab one of my utilitys whyyyyy



The perfect response.


Cant lie epic game barely won the second round though

hope it was fun tho!


If you enjoyed shooting your host in the face with a shotgun, THEN YOU WILL LOVE BURNING THE HOST ON FIRE WHILE PLAYING A CARD GAME!!  Youtube Link -

thanks for playing!


I was so close to finishing and the tab randomly closed.. I'm going feral rn.

The Host can get a lil quirky sometimes.

but fr tho very sorry to hear that.

i dunno how that even happens. 💀


The missus and a friend of hers gave this a shot-- they both liked it!

glad to hear!


Oh. I really love how look this game.
If you need any help let me know. I'm ready to help with whatever I can. (I Unity developer)



Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. Just tell me how to contact you. Good luck!


You absolutely nailed the aesthetic, from the art style to the animation. Everything about this game looks great and the setting is original and tense.

However, the gameplay itself is incredibly 'meh' in my opinion. You as the player have no real choice during the game. 

What card I flip doesn't matter, since it's position is ultimately inconsequential outside of the middle row (which should always be flipped first, not really a choice). Unless gasoline can be used to flip the Acre Card, but the AI didn't do so when given the chance so I'd assume not. But even so, the act of keeping the fire as far from your Acre isn't really a choice either. This also begs the question of having a grid in the first place—the game would seemingly be no different if we both just had a deck of cards that we flipped through instead.

The utilities are thematic and useful, but again there isn't much choice when using them. Gasoline burns a card, but does it really matter which one I burn? The spyglass is the only source of player agency in the entire game, letting me find a Redraw early and possibly neutralizing it with an axe. But even then, do I really have a choice? Obviously, a Redraw gets the Axe and anything else can be flipped safely. The Spyglass is helpful, for sure, but the utilities are simply present and don't really elevate the game or even solve the underlying issue.

This can be contrasted with Buckshot Roulette where the game roulette itself provides choice in the form of calculated risks. As the player I can determine the chances of the next shot being live or blank, then choose whether to shoot the opponent or myself. That decision matters because if I fire a blank at them, I have a higher risk of firing a live at myself. Or I can fire at myself with the hope of expending a blank, taking another turn, and having a higher chance of firing a live at them later. The point here is that I can make informed choices even without items. Thus, the items can help enhance the game further, rather than being my only source of agency.

I really want to like this game, but there would have to be some significant additions to the full release to make it worth purchasing. As-is, I feel that I have about as much control as I do in a game of War.

Maybe more cards could be added, something that makes the grid position of cards actually matter? I don't know what, if anything, you already have planned for further development but I hope this can become a great game.

(1 edit) (+1)

i agree completely.

The game definitely has room for improvement.

Been mulling this over with some other people that pointed this out as well.

Your point about the game being no different than drawing from a deck of cards was very eye-opening.

Hopefully I can figure out a solution to that.

Something to make the card positions matter perhaps.

Giving the player more meaning to which position they choose.

A way for the game to be engaging even without items.

Hopefully without having to overhaul too much.

There's probably a simple, practical fix to this.

Thank you for your feedback.


i just survived the host

Well done!


the host was so good at the game that it crashed my computer and i had to restart .___.

Sorry to hear that.

Ppl have been finding the weirdest bugs that I can't replicate and fix. 😭

there is one that always happens to me in the web version. For some reason each time an animation happens like for example getting an item the camera goes crazy and goes to the void .___.

(1 edit)

think i tracked down the cause. (hopefully)

if you're running the game from a country where decimals are formatted differently from the USA,
it will fail to correctly parse those text-decimals that I wrote the murican' way.

Compiling the fixed build right now.
lmk if this issue persists. (in like an hour i think)


it makes then, because i am playing from south america



Thanks for playing!


This game is really impressive and fun. Wow! Just a awesome game. ALL ENDINGS HERE: 


I dunno why the utilities dont work apart the spygllass and the game just stops working (doesnt crash or freeze) when the host uses the fire estinguisher

(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah I've been trying to figure out why the fire extinguisher keeps causing issues.

Never been able to replicate it myself, but got a clip from someone else.

This stuff is so hard to diagnose when it only shows up on certain computers with no apparent pattern.😭


Interesting game, I won in first run LOL


nice job lmao.


Had a fantastic time playing this game! While the gameplay itself is admittedly pretty simple I still really enjoyed the loop and kept wanting to come back for more after it was over! I also really have to applaud the atmosphere too. The tense music coupled with the growing forest fire in the background was super immersive. I loved what the game has so far and I'm really looking forward to see what gets added later. Can't wait to play some more!


Thanks for playing!


why do i feel like i have heard of this somewhere on the internet 

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