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Can’t use fire extinguisher and axe on any cards during the game. Clicking is registered with a characteristic sound, but no effect occurs. All items (except for the spyglass) end up being stored in containers forever.

(1 edit) (+1)

Aaaaand the game got stuck when the dealer see the left card at my tower and took gasoline from the box. The model of the canister disappeared and that’s it: the animation doesn’t play further, the camera froze on showing an empty cell.

Very sorry that this is still happening. 

Am currently working on resolving this issue with some other players that have encountered this issue as well.

I think I'm very close to tracking down the cause.

But this clip is extremely helpful and likely further confirms my suspitions.

If you wouldn't mind, could you trigger the bug again,

hit "Ctrl + Shift + J" (or however you open the Javascript console in your browser.)

and tell me if there are any errors mentioning "TryGetMetaData"?

(Ignore errors mentioning "Not allowed to access vertices" that's just my spaghetti bleh.)


If you have updated your build in the last few hours, I hasten to inform you that right now I do not have these bugs: items are used as they should be and the camera does not get stuck after the opponent uses the canister.

awesome thx man!


For this being a demo, it's honestly amazing, and I had a great time. everything from the animation to the play style was interesting! I will say I misread the replay cards as a good thing at first, but overall had so much fun, excited for a full release!

thanks for playing!


Good job on completely misunderstanding what made Buckshot great. But what can one expect from a Pirate Software fan.



The game certainly has a lot of room for improvement.

Tho I doubt it'll ever be as great as Buckshot.

But this is the best thing I've made so far and I've every intention of getting better.

Also sorry to hear that you don't like fans of Pirate Software. (presumably)

The community is very welcoming and supportive.


do fear to subscribe 

(1 edit) (+2)

I think it's a nice game, but I can't use the utilities, I click everywhere and it just doesnt work, maybe I don't understand something... The game just freeze when he picks the gasoline 

Very sorry about this.

Many people have been encountering this bug that I cannot replicate.

Tho I think I'm close to figuring it out.

If you plan to play again, could you open up the javascript console (Ctrl+Shift+J on Chrome) and tell me if there are any errors mentioning "TryGetMetaData"?

nvm i think the issue has been fixed.


I read through some of the comments, and it seems that I am basically the only one who didn't understand how to play the game, all I did was click on the cards trying to understand. And I still don't know if i won or not? the host just faded away at the end of the round.



😁 eyy a win is a win!


The way the Host throws the fire extinguisher and the axe really made me say "did you have to throw it that hard bruh 😭"(the animation is just greaaat). The game has simple gameplay but I had a fun experience! :) Really cannot wait for the full version, Id love to see more different card types and more utilities in the future. Keep it up, your game will be popular🗣️🔥!1!!1




Won the 2 Round was so close to losing 


Really fun game

I'm glad you think so!


he keeps stealing my crobars then using them to grab one of my utilitys whyyyyy



The perfect response.


Cant lie epic game barely won the second round though

hope it was fun tho!


If you enjoyed shooting your host in the face with a shotgun, THEN YOU WILL LOVE BURNING THE HOST ON FIRE WHILE PLAYING A CARD GAME!!  Youtube Link -

thanks for playing!


I was so close to finishing and the tab randomly closed.. I'm going feral rn.

The Host can get a lil quirky sometimes.

but fr tho very sorry to hear that.

i dunno how that even happens. 💀


The missus and a friend of hers gave this a shot-- they both liked it!

glad to hear!


Oh. I really love how look this game.
If you need any help let me know. I'm ready to help with whatever I can. (I Unity developer)



Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. Just tell me how to contact you. Good luck!


You absolutely nailed the aesthetic, from the art style to the animation. Everything about this game looks great and the setting is original and tense.

However, the gameplay itself is incredibly 'meh' in my opinion. You as the player have no real choice during the game. 

What card I flip doesn't matter, since it's position is ultimately inconsequential outside of the middle row (which should always be flipped first, not really a choice). Unless gasoline can be used to flip the Acre Card, but the AI didn't do so when given the chance so I'd assume not. But even so, the act of keeping the fire as far from your Acre isn't really a choice either. This also begs the question of having a grid in the first place—the game would seemingly be no different if we both just had a deck of cards that we flipped through instead.

The utilities are thematic and useful, but again there isn't much choice when using them. Gasoline burns a card, but does it really matter which one I burn? The spyglass is the only source of player agency in the entire game, letting me find a Redraw early and possibly neutralizing it with an axe. But even then, do I really have a choice? Obviously, a Redraw gets the Axe and anything else can be flipped safely. The Spyglass is helpful, for sure, but the utilities are simply present and don't really elevate the game or even solve the underlying issue.

This can be contrasted with Buckshot Roulette where the game roulette itself provides choice in the form of calculated risks. As the player I can determine the chances of the next shot being live or blank, then choose whether to shoot the opponent or myself. That decision matters because if I fire a blank at them, I have a higher risk of firing a live at myself. Or I can fire at myself with the hope of expending a blank, taking another turn, and having a higher chance of firing a live at them later. The point here is that I can make informed choices even without items. Thus, the items can help enhance the game further, rather than being my only source of agency.

I really want to like this game, but there would have to be some significant additions to the full release to make it worth purchasing. As-is, I feel that I have about as much control as I do in a game of War.

Maybe more cards could be added, something that makes the grid position of cards actually matter? I don't know what, if anything, you already have planned for further development but I hope this can become a great game.

(1 edit) (+1)

i agree completely.

The game definitely has room for improvement.

Been mulling this over with some other people that pointed this out as well.

Your point about the game being no different than drawing from a deck of cards was very eye-opening.

Hopefully I can figure out a solution to that.

Something to make the card positions matter perhaps.

Giving the player more meaning to which position they choose.

A way for the game to be engaging even without items.

Hopefully without having to overhaul too much.

There's probably a simple, practical fix to this.

Thank you for your feedback.


i just survived the host

Well done!


the host was so good at the game that it crashed my computer and i had to restart .___.

Sorry to hear that.

Ppl have been finding the weirdest bugs that I can't replicate and fix. 😭

there is one that always happens to me in the web version. For some reason each time an animation happens like for example getting an item the camera goes crazy and goes to the void .___.

(1 edit)

think i tracked down the cause. (hopefully)

if you're running the game from a country where decimals are formatted differently from the USA,
it will fail to correctly parse those text-decimals that I wrote the murican' way.

Compiling the fixed build right now.
lmk if this issue persists. (in like an hour i think)


it makes then, because i am playing from south america



Thanks for playing!


This game is really impressive and fun. Wow! Just a awesome game. ALL ENDINGS HERE: 


I dunno why the utilities dont work apart the spygllass and the game just stops working (doesnt crash or freeze) when the host uses the fire estinguisher

(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah I've been trying to figure out why the fire extinguisher keeps causing issues.

Never been able to replicate it myself, but got a clip from someone else.

This stuff is so hard to diagnose when it only shows up on certain computers with no apparent pattern.😭


Interesting game, I won in first run LOL


nice job lmao.


Had a fantastic time playing this game! While the gameplay itself is admittedly pretty simple I still really enjoyed the loop and kept wanting to come back for more after it was over! I also really have to applaud the atmosphere too. The tense music coupled with the growing forest fire in the background was super immersive. I loved what the game has so far and I'm really looking forward to see what gets added later. Can't wait to play some more!


Thanks for playing!


why do i feel like i have heard of this somewhere on the internet 


Tried making a video out of this game, but for some reason it keeps bugging out everytime the antagonist uses the fire extinguisher and it just freezes, and I can't use any utility other than the crowbar...

(1 edit) (+1)

very sorry to hear that.

I've been getting similar reports about the same bug.

would you mind sending an unlisted video of the incident?

I think im starting to get a few ideas of what could be happening.


Do you have like discord or anything like that ? id like to talk to you about your next possible game 


nah i don't got one.

I just chill in the PirateSoftware discord.

There's loads of ppl there to talk to about game design.

I still got a lot of work to do here. 😅


I got all the endings and my opinion is this: the game really manages to bring the same tension and fun as Buckshot Roulette. The developer managed to emulate the feel and even some features of the game, such as the movement and even the rusty aesthetics of Klubnika. Arsonate has great potential and is addictive to play. ALL ENDINGS HERE:
Good Ending

No Deal Ending
Bad Ending

thanks again!


I took the fire axe and was planning to use it, but when my cursor passed by him and it said I could target him, I immediately knew this game was peak. Even if it did nothing, it was still amazing that you get the option and get to see what would happen if you did. Love this game, can't wait for the full release!


Yea I added small easter eggs for people attempting to be cheeky.

You can even attempt to break open the door with the crowbar/hatchet, but they break and get discarded.

(1 edit) (+2)

this game is silly...

and i LOVE it!

keep up the good work man

edit: also it seems sometimes game stops working, like when useing item no more starts


I think i heard the same thing about items randomly failing on the steam version as well.

Looking into it.


Hey, I watched your game on Manly's channel and quite liked it. Would you be interested in having this game translated to Polish?

(1 edit) (+2)

yea I'm eventually gonna need localizations for the Steam release once I get around to that.

(1 edit) (+2)

I'm a translator fresh out of college with bachelor degree though mainly with specialization in business translation. I would be happy to do the Polish translation if you wanted me to. 


I'll let you know when i have money :')

(1 edit) (+2)

I wouldn't mind doing it free of charge, if it's not that word heavy, I like the game so far after all :)
Could you tell me how many words would there be to translate? For example in this demo you've put out.
My discord if you want to talk about it (I don't want to spam in your comment section): archivist2580
Or my email:


oh sick.

not quite at the localization phase yet,

but ill keep you on a list of ppl to refer to once i do.

thanks 🙇‍♂️


i wonder if anyone has made a arsonator jokes




wanna know why the house always wins? because the house can LITERALLY JUST USE THE UTILITIES RIGHT AFTER HE GETS THEM!!


iirc you should be allowed to use the crowbar immediately after being delivered.

Or perhaps your copy has become personalized and is now self-aware in which case im very sry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯






thanks for playing!


This game is fun ass shit!!!! im addicted good job bro keep it up


Thanks for playing!

Glad to hear that it's engaging.


It is try my game out if you want let me now what you think. It's not as good as yours though. Love the match flick noise when he lights the board on fire with the gas goddam awesome!!!!!!!


Really neat game! It's also quite challenging sometimes, I'm looking forward to playing the full release. Btw I tried out the steam demo and the item animations are bugged, it zoomed in and out everywhere, hope you can check that out (I played the web version in this video so everything works fine).


Feedback much appreciated!

Very sry to hear that the Steam experience wasn't as refined.
May I know some technical details?
*Operating system? (Havent tested Linux build yet.)
*Framerate? (Perhaps forgot to enforce vsync.)
Or perhaps you can send an unlisted video/google drive link that shows what's happening.



Hi, sorry for the late response, here's a playthrough of the steam demo, I think most item animations and transition animations are bugged, some sound effects don't play as well, I hope this helps.


OMG, i played the first version and now we have this!!!!!

Need to play ASAP


Welcome back.


Loved it!


Thanks for playing!

You made a good point about how the shuffle sequence times-out rather quickly and locks you into the tutorial. Was afraid that beginners would keep shuffling if nothing happened for too long.

Will proly have to either increase the time, or have it based on which stack you grab first.

(1 edit) (+2)

Very intense and immersive game. Really a great work! Congrats!


Thanks for playing!


This is without a doubt one of my favorite Buckshot inspired games I've seen in a while! The gameplay was a breath of fresh air as I really enjoyed the idea of being in a forest fire instead of having a gun as punishment. The choice of items, the aesthetic, the music, it was overall a great experience and I could not stop playing after my first playthrough. I look forward to playing the full release! Great work, Nash!


Thanks for playing!

What's crazy is that I thought a forest fire would've been a bit boring.

If you intend to play more, there are small easter eggs for people that try to be "clever"; such as attempting to attack the Host with a hatchet, or using the crowbar on the door.

There is a 3rd ending where you can reject the final deal, tho it's not as spectacular.


Nice this also is really good game I like it anyway well done keep it up!


Thanks for playing!

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