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this is a really fun game, I like how its kind of like inscription and shotgun roulette combined, very fun and I like the subtle lore in the backround

This was a really cool gam


Really enjoyed this! Hope you are still working on it! <3

Can you please make it so I can download it in

Hey! I just discovered your game and really like what you’re working on.
I’d love to get in touch about featuring it in a non-commercial indie showcase project I’m running on YouTube.
Is there any way I can contact you directly? Thanks so much!


eu matei o cara e ele ta vivo


Add option in game so you can adjust the sound when it comes loud also adding an option to skip scenes will be cool specialy for players who played it multiple time

Great game btw i liked the style and the athmospher also the innovative acts like using items to escape or to attack the host
you made me have fun
thanks you

(1 edit) (+1)

i think you can find the audio settings under this icon here on the main menu.
though i'll try to update the game to use a lower volume by default.


Oh i meant when you are actually in the middle of playing sorry for not being clear, also i think the current volume is ok it get louder when the game is about to finish wich make it more epic but being able to adjust it middle of game might be helpful

Gg keep it up bro


This is an interesting take on the Klubnika formula, although, I do think some utilities feel a bit pointless.


This game made me wanna touch grass.

amazing gameplay, cool graphics, I loved how when you jiggle the mouse the camera move smoothly made me wanna shake it all night. Keep going looking forward to play the full game, and quit f**king creating weird troll version of the game.

Say to yourself 

lock in



L O C K I N 


Love u


>"love u"


I LOVE this card game, it's a really good inspiration from buckshot and it's fascinating to play! :D I can't wait to see more!

thanks for playing!




my bad og


bro think hes gordon freeman


siiick game!! as a buckshot roulette lover, i am so impressed. creativity is off the charts <3

(1 edit)

A New Contender? (Multiplayer Teaser)


Esto es lo mejor para otmar en cuenta en el sentido que es super intimadante el rival.

(2 edits) (+1)

7.6/10 - An exciting demo inspired by Buckshot and a few other games, (15 mins per playthrough, 30 mins played), this was a really fun experience as it's heavily inspired by buckshot roulette's  mechanics but it definitely switches itself up to be something unique. It also takes slight inspiration from inscryption and a few other card games.

This game does take 1/2 playthroughs to adjust to the mechanics but once everything clicks you'll understand what everything does and how to play the game properly. I ended up beating the game on normal on my second go which was an exhilarating experience with myself being punished heavily at times and me doing the punishing aswell!

I do think the game is slightly unbalanced with the crowbar being a slightly overpowered weapon. I wish there was one more card type and more items added in for variety but I'm presuming these will be added in the full game. 

Overall this was a great experience with the visuals being really well done, the sub story catching my attention and the gameplay being great. I'm excited to see what the game will be, how the story will be expanded on and I loved the little twist when you beat the game!


The game is cooked!


You should make this a real card game.


FIRE!!! (obviously)


love the game


Such an original idea.. Very nice! :)

Great game, can be quite addictive. I'm looking forward to the full release.

This is one of the best I've ever played.





The soundtrack, the animations, the gameplay, the atmosphere. Everything delivered. 

The gameplay is simple and repetitive, but addicting. And the randomization of the utilities helps it not feel too stale. And I appreciated that our AI opponent played like he actually wanted to win lol 

I'm hoping for more utilities, more opponents, and more high stakes environments in the full game! 


how many of every utilities are there? is there a number or its random?


24 he says it in everygame


i mean, how much of each one, you know? but i just win a game that gives me full arson so... i guess there is not a limit, its just random


there's no fixed amount for any utility type.
however, the game will not deliver you a 3rd hatchet, spyglass, or crowbar.


jugar cartas con un piromano?... reto aceptado!! pasa a ver mi gameplay completo y en español!!


the animations get me bro


Настольные игры переехали в виртуальный мир.


As a huge fan of "Buckshot Roulette" -- ARSONATE brings "grit" and "badass" to the table with violent, throw shit, break shit violence -- engulfing you into its world and making you feel the severity of what's at stake.

Love this game.


Guys, I made a game simillar to this one. Still a bit simple, but i intend to add more features down the line. Come check it out:


this was a very fun ngl would recement to a friend


It's a very unique fun game. I enjoyed myself...short but very fun




I LOVE IT!! i just played it and its awesome!!! :D

(1 edit) (+3)



I liked


haven't played quite yet but i just love the visual style and animation! it definitely looks like buckshot roulettes style, and I mean that very kindly of course. Its impressive to make it look so good like you do, and im excited to play, it looks great.


glad to hear that i pulled it off


ah i played it so many days ago, i remember having fun despite losing lol, great job guys



(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

This is one of my favorite itch games its similar to buckshot yet so different, and something i have wished for so long for both games is MULTIPLAYER, imagine playing this with a friend getting to look at a custom made avatar it would be so cool. PLEASE, IM BEGGING T-T, functional multiplayer would be a big selling point for me, imagine the infinite replayability like (usually very boring games, but fun with friends) lethal company or among us, these games are boring alone or with random people but with friends would make this games SO MUCH MORE FUN.

Edit: hold up now that i reload the game i see a online vs, please ignore this comment lmfao


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