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the game is mostly luck based, every part of the game is amazing except for the gameplay, on my first 2 tries he kept getting the crowbar and whenever i got gasoline or a fire extinguisher he would steal it when his turn starts, other than that i keep getting the axe, on my 3rd try the opposite happened and it ended without any challenge, also its kinda annoying that he can use the crowbar immediately after getting it but we cant even tho its the fair mode, the idea of the game is so cool and the art and music gets you in the mood so easily that it's such a pity that the game is so focused on luck. 

(1 edit)

odd. u should be able to use the crowbar immediately.


bruh host just got 7 re rolls in a row



how'd you get that screen?


If you won the game, you can get this screen)








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(1 edit) (+1)

fuck this game

nvm i beat it


the duality of man


I love buckshot ruletter and this game has such a similar vibe to it! And the story is very interesting.




We got buckshot roulette 2 before GTA 6 💀


(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

i dislike this game. even on easy the guy cheats. after  fllipping a utility and getting a crowbar he uses it even though his turn is over! so sucks to be you i guess. also this game is just luck unlike buchshot roulete you cant really do any estimating or stuff cause youll get all your cards flipped anyway. kinda not fun cause its just luck. also this only looks like inscription cause you face the dealer and in that case luigis casino game is like inscription its just buckshot roulete minus the fun part so uhhh make it better. im not complianing about more bucshot roulete just this isnt that played another game where i got 2 crowbars and a extinguisher only to have him high role a crowbar as his first item and screw me. i mean skill dif right?


i mean there is some level of planning needed to actually win like discarding an item you get when the host has a crowbar so that they dont steal it; its not simply based on luck. sure the host being able to use the item when he gets it and you not being able to do the same is annoying sure but idk maybe its less of skill issue and more of a brain function and comprehension issue coz i beat both modes first try. also stop comparing this game to more popular ones when 1. its literally a demo, 2. you suck buttcheeks at it, and 3. youre a loser


you can actually use the crowbar right when you get it, just click one of the opponents shelves instead of putting it in yours

did you read my comment cause i literly said if this  game is lke inscription its like luigs casino game lol

did you read my comment cause i literaly said if this games like inscription then its like luigis casino game lol

hey man did you read my comment cause i literally said this game only looks similar and in that case this games like luigis casino game

oops sent that three times lol


this game is its own thing, sure it looks like it took inspiration from other games which is cool if anything coz its combining aspects of other games with a new concept. this game is cool and youre lame. cappyman101 you suck and no one likes you. so uhhhhh make your opinions and attitude better

first of you dont know me so... anyway, im trying to be constructive im sorry if i came off a a hole but i feel like when i play the game im just rolling dice. i compare a little to buckshot roulette cause in that game it seems like luck but its skill cause everything is your judgement. if you use items or shoot yourself or whatever it always feels like your in control. in this game only the items are the skill and it feels like i cant interact with the dealer very well. i really do want this game to sucseed but it feels less like strategy to me.... probably why i dub this game a luigi-like



yeah, okay




managed to find the little easter egg interactions. though i'm a bit sad the gasoline can didn't work with the host

lol i cant imagine what it would do.


he's just on fire for the rest of the game.


I love this kind of games and this game is awesome. I get both inscryption and buckshot roulette vibes. Can't wait to full game.

glad you enjoyed!




I'm pretty sure it's a bug.

I got a crowbar and took a can of gasoline from THE HOST and set fire to the closest card to his house at the very beginning of the game.

After that ONLY the crowbar started coming out.

I seriously did not drop any other items throughout the game.


Oh, yeah. When half the cards were left, they stopped dropping out just fine.


This was such a fun and cool game! I can see how Buckshot Roulette inspired this game! Cool mechanics and intriguing story! I managed to beat Normal made and got the alternate title screen. Lore perhaps? Anyway, love the game! Can't wait to see the full game!

thanks for playing!


very very very very very very very cheesy



This game is a little like Blackjack in that it can be useful to keep track of what's left in the deck.   Except, unlike blackjack, all the spent cards are left face-up on the table, so card-counting is just regular counting.

A hard mode where spent cards are removed might be interesting.



Since card positioning doesn't matter and only a single item allows you to see if the next card is a repeat, this game is 99% rng, but cool nonetheless


(1 edit) (+1)

if you throw the mask that the person gives you when you lose you can throw it in the trash and it does something cool and also i love the game and i only played it once so anyways pretty cool game and yeah



if buckshot roulette and inscryption fucked and had a cool child


and then that child was a tf2 pyro main

love the flipnote pfp

tanks bro


definitely good taking a similar style to buckshot roulette while also being unique



Congratulations to all the members who have created this fabulous game, very addictive, good effects and sounds, I want to ask the creators of this game to subscribe to my channel please, congratulations to all the creators, greetings from Spain!!

helo spain.


52 cards. 49 on the field. Does that mean you can know what the fire extinguisher will replace with if you keep track? or is it pure RNG?

each card type does have a fixed number, 13, 13, 26.

the unused cards are just sent to an out of bounds graveyard.

fire extinguishers shuffle cards in and out of that graveyard.

tho i never got around to visualizing it.




Hey! I really enjoyed playing the game and vibed a bunch with how the fire theme tied everything together. I wrote up a review of the demo you can find below:

thanks for the review!


dangg the title screen with you as the guy is fire (hehe)

yeah i thought itd be cool to have him "recruit" you. so every round afterwards, you're playing against the person you were previously.




Really cool design super fun, game and its got lots of potential good job!

hopefully it lives up!



I'm so thrilled for the full game! I can't wait!!

guess we'll have to see. :)


that was wayyy more fun than i expected. now, if you'll excuse me, i'm going to get my revenge on him for stealing all my gasoline!!!!

GET EM 🗣🔥🔥🔥


man i love it. this game is actually good.I'm gonna make a card game out of it to play with my friends.Respect nashset.

(please be a free version of it :D

lol thats relieving to hear after a lot of the more critical feedback ive been getting.

im glad you enjoyed.


didn’t really know what to expect going into this, but really enjoyed it!

I really liked having to think a few steps ahead to get the win.

Keep up the good work!


ill do my best.


I like the little tweaks to the interface.

And the items are now clearly visible (the fire extinguisher for sure).

Very interesting what other modes you have in mind.

(On NORMAL THE HOST is not so difficult, although we spammed each other with fire extinguishers and gasoline on cd. It was probably the longest rolling. I mean seriously we spent 10 fire extinguishers).

Am planning on a harder mode and a custom mode. :)


A shotgun roulette like is not what I would have expected to see today

surprise lol


It was a very good surprise at that :D


So, first time around I did not pay attention but second time around I did and MAN... THIS GUY HAS TO BE A CHEATER! Super fun game tho, excited for the full version!

yea the host does play dishonestly on normal mode.

no tricks in fair mode tho.


The host has absolutely no chivalry... what a world

(2 edits) (+1)

Wow excellent, i love the idea



i love the animations, good job!


thanks! i had to learn a lot to pull it off!







Very nice! I love getting Axed by Masked Men!!



Horror, fun card game with an interesting concept. It seemed for me to be pretty original, although it's challenging to win, as this is severely RNG-based and my opponent got like million crowbars and also I am hoping to see more development here, because some utilities aren't good enough for being utility. 

By far the strongest and unbalanced utility is a crowbar, if you have many crowbars, you're going to win. Which can be seen on this video lol.

this is true


Very dark but fun little card game, i beat Normal mode first try haha, it's obviously not complete but i'm very looking forward to the full release, found this game from ManlyBadassHero on YT.



am making gradual improvements.


this game is hard and creepy

like my ex-bf!


Advantages: the game is still ok after experience. Disadvantages: there are still some requirements for the performance of the mobile terminal.

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