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Лучшая пародия!

thanks for playing!


nice game, i like it

thanks for playing!


Reminds me a lot of the Fire Tower boardgame.

Pretty cool take on the "genre" of creepy card games inscryption and buckshot roulette started.

Think the game doesn't hit as hard as those however, mostly because there's not really any building tension before things start getting crazy, kinda starts out at the top and just stays there so it's a bit lack luster.

The actual gameplay is pretty fun though, also the setting is unique compered to the other games I've seen like this. Think with a bit more depth and some more versatile items this could be very good : )


Yeah it is a bit of a slow burn lol. I'm a bit lost on how i can improve the tension building but oh well.


This game is pure gem! Keep up the good work bro


Hope the full release sells well!


wait how many alternate title screens are there


wait THEY AFFECT THE ACTUAL GAME!? i mean there's now blood on the open game thing

Oh yeah when the Host the player, and they become the new host, your now dueling against your previous-self.

At the time, I just thought it'd be cool to keep the blood there. :)


really awesome detail

3 alt title screens currently. 4 in total.


uhh where's the mask?


Just finished first playthrough, such a great game

thanks for playing!


Wow, major Inscryption vibes here, I love that. This whole game is very polished. The graphics are so cool, and the card game is well made and fun.


emphasis on "major inscryption vibes"

Glad to see the polishing paid off!


Awesome game. Can't wait for the full release. Thank you for making this.

thank you for playing this!


feels inspired of both inscryption and buckshot roulette, am i right?

right on the money.


the insane polish on a gamejam game like this is exactly why soul deflated and barely anything was made this jam. This is just so good and seeing it on a channel I watch almost daily was just gazow man



love this

love it enough to buy it for $3?


The graphics look very nice. How did you make the posterization and dithering look so good?!?

uhhh i think i kept the dithering constant no matter the resolution,

the dithering itself prioritizes red colors the most,

and there's an additional light in the scene that tracks to pre-set positions, depending where u are in the room which are intentionally setup to make the dithering really dramatic/moody.


really cool game ^_^



so how come we can't use an axe or crowbar to pry/cut out the fire extinguisher on the wall?

the fire exitinguisher was a left over from earlier versions of the game.

didn't bother to remove it before release.

darn... well i still think it couldve been a cool interaction to get an edge over the host.


this a really game as stands now , I seen playing with others is gonna be thing soon thats a really dope and will add even fun to this game .

I took an L in my first match but the  second I doubbled back keep the good  work.

ill do my best!


Loads of potential

hope it lives up.

Deleted post



I can see this becoming as big as Buckshot Roulette


most def 

haha maybe if some big-time youtubers played it.

tho i did notice that caseoh_ played like everygame in itch's top 10 except mine so maybe somethings wrong with it.

No, this has the right stuff to blow up. Just promote it more and hang in there, the same people who streamed Buckshot Roulette should love this.


Pretty good. Came down to the wire but I scraped out a win.

lol best 2/3?


Very interesting idea for a game! I really liked playing this even though I lost. 

glad you enjoyed!


Hi there. I'd be happy to offer free voice overs for your next game, if you'd like :)

appreciate the offer!


Its Buckshot Roulette + Inscryption but if the dev was a pyromaniac.



I loved this game so much that im making a real life card game version for my friends and I <3  keep up the good work!

o man im rly considering making an official version somehow...


fun game.



So He planned this all along


lol i hate that guy he cheated, good game


This is a very fun game. Kinda creepy and it really finds the way to mix horror and card games together. Good game!


thanks for playing!


ending ideas:

Torch the Tower - burn the host with gas, then lose the game. Ends the host's cycle at your sacrifice

Escape - BOOM! Axe to the neck. BOOM! Axe to the jugular, BOOM! Axe to the door while he's distracted (or crowbar)

these were just some dumb ideas I had, you don't need to do anything with them I just wanted to put them out here

lmao theyre fun to think about.


So, comments so far:
Oh god oh god, the Cpu requirements on this one as the fire grows.
Holy cow.  
The SOUND starts lagging.
Surely there is a better way.

Also: The Host can use items at the end of their turn... but apparently I can't? (The "turn arrows" vanish when I pick up an item, so I have to store it, and then try to use it next turn. Very frustrating if Host is holding a crowbar)


i had multiple crowbars stashed and he comboed off when he got one LUL. 


you should be able to use the crowbar on a locker immediately.

also yeah theres a better way.


-rejected- ending? don't you mean what my gf did to me in highschool ending?

rip dude.


Also, when you look at the item description of the deck of cards, there are 52 cards yet only 49 of them are set out when the game starts... where are the other 3 cards?


some are left out, because you can have diff numbers of utilities and redos per run but that's just my guess


Even if you have 12 redos and 24 utilities, you still have only 49 cards...

(1 edit) (+1)

2 utility cards and a blank card were left out in the making of this post
or 3 blanks if you're on normal mode I guess...

stored in a graveyard somewhere out of bounds.

fire extinguishers shuffle cards in and out of it.

havent implemented a visual for it it.


Oh I think the 3rd ending is when you beat normal mode :) (I think)

yeah kinda.
rather the 3rd alternate title screen.


Nevermind. Its whatever ending it is where the hachet hits the host's neck


Este juego es entretenido, es dificil hacer juegos con base a cartas, las animaciones de como se usa cada item es muy epica y esto le da un toque unico, esperamos con ansias mas actualizaciones =)


¡gracias por jugar!


It's really fun!! Can't wait for the full release ^^


glad you had fun!




Its maxwell!


good it could have bettter items but fun non the less

thanks for playing!


WHAT THE ?!?!?!? I JUST PLAYED THE GAME AND OH MY GOD! this might be on the same level as buckshot... or even higher!

lmao maybe just a bit under imo.




This is a very good demo that offers pretty much the full experience. Left some things I think that could make the game better at the end of the video!

Thanks for the feedback!


игра крутая но можно было сделать чуть меньше матыляний камерой


i read "a game inspired by buckshot Roulette" i go into a game and the first thing i say-  this looks like buckshot. XD

glad to hear that I kinda pulled off the look lol.

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