BUGFIX - Utility Softlock

TLDR: Game was breaking because countries outside the U.S format decimals differently. This has been fixed.

Got multiple reports from people where the game softlocked whenever they used a utility or tried to use a utility.

To everyone affected by this bug:
I'm very sorry that this rendered the game difficult/impossible to play.
I was unable to replicate it which was very tricky.

Finally got a debug log from someone who i noticed was from Poland.
Got another debug log from someone in Slovakia.
Debug log reported a failure to parse numbers written in text.
Specifically decimals.
It then occurred to me that countries outside the USA format decimals differently.
This explains why neither me nor my friends could reproduce the bug.

I've re-written the parser to account for this.
The game should now run as intended.
I hope you can now finally enjoy the game.
Thank you for your patience. 🙇‍♂️


ARSONATE - WEBGL_DEMO - 20240721 - RELEASE.zip Play in browser
59 days ago